Open sandwich with artichockes, grapes and Triple Crème cheese

  • 4 pers.
  • 10 min
  • 5 min
  • easy
MODIF Suggestion dégustation Triple crème Tartines artichauts


  • 4 slices brown bread
  • ½ jar artichokes in oil
  • 1 large bunch black grapes
  • 80g Germain Triple crème cheese
  • salt and pepper from a mill


  • 1
    Preheat your oven to 180°.
  • 2
    Put the artichokes in an ovenproof dish and grill in the oven for 5 minutes.
  • 3
    Cut the grapes in half and the Germain Triple Crème cheese into slices.
  • 4
    Put the artichokes on the slices of bread and then alternate slices of Triple Crème cheese with pieces of grape.
  • 5
    Sprinkle with salt and pepper and enjoy!
To print